New Updates to the “Jobs” Section!
We are proud to announce the new updates premiering in the “Jobs” section of our Planning for Profit software! These new updates to both the Job Pricing Calculator and the Job Hours Tracking Report are sure to be useful to anyone who is looking the track the progress and profitability of their jobs in real […]
Dashboard Update
We are thrilled to introduce the new Planning For Profit™ software dashboard. Our intention was to provide you with a brief overview of your company’s status, performance, and perhaps some areas you might concentrate on as you start moving forward to make improvements. Let’s walk you through what each of the dials and tables on […]
Why doesn’t my Net Profit agree with my Profit & Loss Statement?
We often get this question from users who build their model only to find out that the net profit is nowhere close to what they have been seeing on their profit & Loss statement. They assume that what they are seeing in their Planning For Profit software model is incorrect. But…not so fast. Your Profit […]
Not All Users Are Equal
We often get asked why a user doesn’t have the same features in the software as some of their co-workers. The answer is simple – Not all users are equal. There are four different types of users in the software. As the owner of your company, you have the ability to limit the information that […]